Happy 3rd Anniversary to the Webtrends Blog
It was three years ago today that the Webtrends blog was launched with an inaugural post from Barry Parshall. I recall being at home when it got finally got online around 9:00pm, we originally hosted it with WordPress.com using their VIP services (many thanks to the Automattic team!) about 5 minutes after the launch was surprised to see our first comment from Avinash Kaushik come in - he is definitely on top of what's happening.
The launch was quickly followed by securing our brand name in about 85 other locations and establishing our corporate standards for social media. The first piece I created was for the blog, which was later modified to be more encompassing of all channels and integrated into our HR polices which are reviewed during the on-boarding process for new team members.
Earlier this year the blog won a top 10 corporate blog award in great company with Radian6, Exact Target, Hubspot and Playstation. As the editor I was humbled to be included along with the best-of-the-best examples of businesses using blogging for real results.
Over the years the blog has gone through many changes from a change in the corporate palette (from Orange to Blue to Black) to a mobile version and migrated to a WordPress MU hosted with Network Redux which now what many of the Webtrends sites run on from the Engage Conference to the Webtrends Agency site and Release Notes to the recent re-launch of the Webtrends.com.
Many thanks to the vibrant, bright and opinionated authors who have put together some prolific content over the years and many thanks to all the talented developers, designers & code-monkeys who have have poured their heart and soul into the blog through it's many iterations. Thank you Vince, Mark, Jeremy, Mr. Diggles, Ben, Peter, David and Ilana - you are all amazing!
Below are a few highlights of those changes over the years from the original launch including the mobile site.
You started something amazing and I am honored to have been part of the journey!
Well done.