The Wildlife Outside My Window

A bit rainy today, but the creek is always full of activity - there's a heron nestled in the long grass - what long slender legs they have. It's amazing to see them fly it's like a mini-airplane.Some extremely white mallard ducks swimming around looking for food. And of course the nutria. Saw the papa nutria out in the parking lot the other day, he was grunting about eating grass roots and searching for flower blubs. it's true they've got bright orange teeth!! it's like a mouth full of Cheetos. I swear he looked up and gave me this "you looking at me" glance.

Emmett Otter and The Synapses Misfire

At work looking out the window of my office and I see 2 otters playing in the creek. My mind goes right here.... Emmet Otter and his Ma are dirt-poor, but very happy and good singers. Christmas is around the corner, both of them want to get something special for each other and the talent show prize is $50! So, Ma gets a song ready, and Emmet forms a jug-band with his friends. But the Riverbottom Gang, a bunch of rich kids with killer electric band equipment are going to be tough competition. They decide to compete in the Frog Town Hollow Talent Contest in order to win money, but Ma will have to hock Emmet's tool chest to buy a costume, and Emmet will have to put a whole in Emmet's washtub for his band! Kermit the Frog hosts this classic Muppet musical Christmas tale, based on the book by Russell and Lillian Hoban, with original songs from master tune-smith Paul Williams I love random thoughts.

I love love this site. Where else you can end up surfing around the site finding taglines like "No Good without Evil. No Love without Hate. No Innocence without Lust. I am Darkness" from the 1985 movie "Legend" all when you started out looking for the name of the kid in SlingBlade.

The Grape Escape

My boss took the managers out on a Grape Escape yesterday and we visited Domaine Drouhin, Domaine Serene and Archery Summit. While we had a ton of amazing Pinot Noirs, I was pleasantly surprised by a chardonnay which is unheard off from a die-hard red fan like myself. Was really impressed with the company and scheduled a return visit for my team to WillaKenzie , Adelsheim and a yet to be decided on vineyard. Can't wait!

Afternoon at the Ballet

Had lunch at Stanford's before seeing the matinee of the Oregon Ballet Theatre, the fall program opened last night at the Keller. Marley, Abby and Stasha were all frilly in pink, black, white and lots of tulle. The program was in 3 parts called "Movement as Metaphor" CONCERTO BAROCCO - Johann Sebastian Bach / George Balanchine. Stark and pretty with the soloists dancing the parts of the two violins and the corps de ballet represented the orchestra) ORPHEUS PORTRAIT - Franz Liszt / Kent Stowell. It ended with Eurydice on the river Styx, great effects with a long flowing ribbon, wind and lighting. SWAN LAKE, ACT III - Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky / Christopher Stowell. The last act with the Black Swan and all the courtiers/entertainers from Spain, Naples, Russia and Hungary gathered in a lavishly decorated castle hall to see Prince Siegfried pick a bride.