The Travel Channel is talking about doing an episode on
the Warther family museum. Take a moment to visit the site
and vote for the show to be featured on "Made In America"
Have you ever wondered what song is playing on the radio? I love my new car because the stereo tells me. Not sure what the technology is, but as I was driving to work this morning and heard (and read) the following:
Jump - house of pain
Slither - velvet revolver
girlfriend in a coma - the smiths
Fuel - metallica
Rollercoaster of love - red hot chili peppers
Technology rocks....but music rocks more!!
Hey Crackhead Yes, you. On Wednesday morning I emerged from my girlfriend's building by U.N. Plaza to find that you had sawed the tops off both the sparkplugs on my motorcycle. Thursday I had it towed to the shop ($45) where they replaced the sparkplugs and the boots ($50 including labor). They explained to me that "people" - I use the term loosely here - like you break off the tops of spark plugs and use the porcelain tubes to smoke crack. As an engineer and former MacGyver fan, in a way I think this is kind of cool. But then I remember that I just paid $100 for YOUR crackpipes, and I get angry again.
I am an engineer. Do you ever see me shaking down bums in the Loin for a calculator and sliderule? No, you don't. Because engineering is the main thing I do, I went and bought myself a calculator. The main thing you do is crack. How do you get by without a crackpipe? The other crackheads must clown on you non-stop
Here's the rest of the story on
Best of Craigslist.
Today was really great. I got out of bed really late because my alarm clock has broken and I cannot afford a new one at the moment.
I feel unusual because my antidepressants are making me hairy. Last night I had to shave my entire body. Apparently, the lice that I caught from Alex's friend are really hard to get rid of. I look quite strange with no hair and eyebrows. I'd post pictures, but my webcam is broken.
I want to tell the world that I love you all! You're all so special to me! I am updating this journal for the first time in ages, because I've been in prison. Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! Here's ten thousand photographs of my cat.
I want to say thanks to the academy for giving me this award.
I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I have bipolar disorder, and a healthy imagination. You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you what job you'll do when you grow up.
That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with this thought - sharing your life with strangers on the internet is the cheapest form of therapy available. Leave a comment and tell me I'm beautiful.
Created with the Gregors's Semi-Automatic LiveJournal Updater™.
i lost one of my friends yesterday - i had to put my big orange kitty to sleep. he caught a virus after his surgery last month. john is heartbroken and both of us are in a bit of a daze. whose going to come into the bedroom every night purring and curl up on my shoulder?
i'm going to miss him sitting in the window during the summer making chirping sounds trying to attract the birds. curling up in a ball on his back, tittling his head and looking all innocent after he has escaped or knocked something over. his musty belly smell. nibbling on my rings, my nose, my ears or chin in the middle of the night or early moring when he wants some attention. coming into the bathroom and knocking stuff in the toilet. sniffing john's head and then chewing on his glasses.
i'm going to miss so much about him. i got the chance to see him and cuddle yesterday morning. he was in a bit of discomfort, but thankfully no pain yet. he stuck out his chin like he does and i was scritching under it until he started to purr like a train. his purrs are soo nice.
he wasn't just a cat, he was my friend. he was a great judge of character, loved playing with kids, knew just when you needed some love and demanded to be pet at that exact moment. he was compassion and sweet, there will never be another big orange kitty like him. he was a kind soul and i can't wait to see him again someday.
goodbye my big stinker, my lil' poo kitty, tinky cat Tigger