Moonay is Swiss for “Bull of the Herd”

I'm talking about Mooney Warther. This, of course, begs the obvious question: Who the heck is Mooney Warther? Frankly, the man was a genius with a knife and a piece of wood, and a bit of an oddball genius at that, which is always the best kind. Researching family history to get an idea for the tattoo John wants, I came across the sites for his grandfather's musuem in Dover, Ohio.  The best way to learn Mooney’s story is to tour the Warther Museum, during the Crossroads Rally. With its intricately hand-carved replicas of steam engines, this is not your typical museum. The intricate detail in these hand carved models is unbelievable. The Smithsonian Institute has declared them priceless. We are going to visit for the first annual family reunion in July. I can't wait. One person said "What we saw was too incredible to adequately describe, but I'll try. It has to rate at the top of all the man made things I have ever seen."

What Is My Big Orange Stinky?

Not exactly sure what started that search, maybe it's that another cat adopted John. That's right , they seem to adopt him instead of the other way around. The newest member of our family cute lil' gray and white and pink kitty name Mojo Jojo Jingle Cat - yes he comes with bells on and was named by 3 of the neighbor girls after a character from the Powerpuff Girls. After a bit of research, I think Tigger is a marbled bengal cat because torbie or tabby's don't have the white underbelly and the marbling he does. They are described as
"First and most important, Bengals are fun! How lucky we all are to have pets like these! Are we too enthusiastic? Nah, Bengals really are charming as well as great to look at. From traits such as playing in water and playing fetch (they think they are dogs), Bengals are a step above other felines when it comes to playtime. Bengals do bond with their owners. If you have more than one cat, they will not depend on you as much. If you have only one Bengal, be prepared for a sleeping buddy, and a lap cat. When you come home, they greet you with a need for love."
That couldn't describe him better. Now to figure out what Tasha and Lumpy are.

Survivor PBS-style

I've been watching Frontier House on OPB today. It's a reality show for public broadcasting where they made 3 families live in the "1860's" on 500 acres in Montana for 6 months. Here's the website and a brief summary below about the show. Three contemporary American families face 19th-century life in the Montana wilderness in this six-part 'hands-on history' series. Chosen from more than 5,000 applications, the Glenn family of Tennessee, the Clue family of California and the Brooks family of Massachusetts live for six months as 1880s homesteaders, with only the tools and technology of the period at their disposal. Throughout their historic adventure, the cameras roll, revealing the families' trials, triumphs, simple pleasures and daily rigors.