- Oracle | ATG - eFusion from on-premise to SaaS model (4 P's)
- Webtrends Blog - Launch & Editorial Direction
- Social Media Guidelines - Creating Corporate Standards
- Toshiba Intranet - CIO Winner
- Toshiba Desktop Introduction - Project Wallstreet
- Engage Conference Series - 2009/Las Vegas, 2010/New Orleans and 2011/San Francisco
- Engage Conference Series - Website Redesign
- Webtrends Customer Experience - Global, Cross-Departmental Initiative
An evangelist for new products and ideas, comfortable with an audience of 5 to 5,000? As an accomplished, strategic-thinking manager - I offer a combination of financial, business and technology expertise with a diverse group of industries.
Do you need a respected leader of cross-functional teams who is proficient in the use of technology to deliver compelling information? A customer advocate? An experienced producer with experience specific to your needs?
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